Bachelor of Philosophy, Master in Sociology and Doctor of Social Sciences with specialization in Latin American Studies. Member of the National System of Investigators (SNI) of CONACYT since 1990. Research on SINDICALISM IN MEXICO, particularly the case of the Union of Telephone Operators of the Mexican Republic (STRM) during the privatization process. Research on PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS IN LATIN AMERICA, particularly during the period from 2005 to 2007, where numerous left-wing governments emerged. Research on POLITICAL PROCESSES IN CENTRAL AMERICA, particularly in the June 2009 coup in Honduras. Dr Medina is a member of the Western Social Science Association (WSSA) where he coordinates the Latin American Studies Section; the Association of Borderland Scholars (ABS), the Latin American Studies Association (LASA); the Latin American Association of Sociology (ALAS); the Network of Studies on Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean (REDIALC).