Research professor at the Department of Humanities of the UAM-Cuajimalpa. Member of the National System of Researchers, level II. Doctor of Letters (2006) with postdoctoral stay in Art History, UNAM, supported by CONACYT (2008-2009). She works on issues of art, memory, violence, mourning, and expanded and social theatricalities and performativities. She is an independent curator of visual exhibitions such as Navajas, by Rosa María Robles (Centro de las Artes de Monterrey, and Instituto Potosino de Cultura, 2012); Sudarios, by Erika Diettes (ExTeresa Arte Actual, 2012); La domus del abusente, by Juan Manuel Echavarría and Mayra Martell (Metropolitan Gallery, 2013); Ensayo de la memoria, by Mayra Martell (Museo Universitario del Chopo, 2012); The forms of absence (House of Culture of the UAEMéx, in Tlalpan, August 2015). Curator of the projects Des / mount the re / presentation (carried out from the UAM-Cuajimalpa) and Desmontajes: research processes and scenic creation (carried out at CITRU-INBA between 2003 and 2009). He has given seminars and conferences in the postgraduate studies of Arts and Letters at the following academic institutions: University of São Paulo, University of Buenos Aires, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, University of Concepción in Chile, University of Santa Catarina, University of Federal de Uberlândia, National University of Colombia, UNAM and the Ibero-American University.