Janine Rodiles Hernández is a clinical psychologist. He has studied different master's degrees and training in the areas of Jungian psychology, addictions, comparative religion, suicide prevention and therapeutic yoga. She is a family constellation specialist in the Hartman-Roquet test of values and is certified by the Sound Healers Association. She is a practitioner of Sufism and a dance instructor of the Mevleví turn. Since 2015, he has collaborated with the Ethnopsychology Society of Spain, where he annually offers training in the Hartman axiological test to psychologists and health professionals in Europe. He is an essayist and poet.
She is the author of books A prohibited therapy. The life of Salvador Roquet (Planet, 1998), Addictions and spirituality (Trillas, 2002), Sexual slavery, psychoepidemia of our day (Trillas, 2012) and Ritual Nude (Astrolabio, 2014).