Jaume Carbonell Sebarroja is editor of the Journal of Education in the drafting work since its inception in January 1975 he is Professor of Sociology of Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Vic (Barcelona). He has advised and managed various publishing projects. He has written articles, participated in research and lectured widely, both in Spain and Latin America, on issues related to educational innovation, public school teachers, history of education, school and environment, and education of the future.
He is the author of L'Escola Normal de la Generalitat (1931-1939) (1977); Education reform ... to clear (1990); and School: between utopia and reality (1996). Editor Ferrer Guardia and libertarian pedagogy (1977) and Manuel Bartolomé Cossio. An Educational Anthology (1985). and co-author, among other publications, L'escola single-unified (1978) and Learning from innovations in schools (1998). Currently involved in research on interculturalism and education.