Jean-Pierre Changeux

Jean-Pierre Changeux

Jean-Pierre Changeux
He studied at the Ecole Normal Supérieure, where he earned a bachelor's degree and later a master. He completed doctoral studies under the direction of François Jacob and Jacques Monod at the Pasteur Institute, and postdoctoral studies at the University of California, Berkeley, and Columbia University. Back in France in 1967, a professor of molecular biology Jacques Monod was integrated until, in 1972, was appointed director of the molecular biology unit at the Pasteur Institute in 1975 and a member of the Collège de France. Author of more than six hundred scientific papers and numerous books, J.-P. Changeux concern throughout his scientific career, focusing on research on the brain and molecular levels, cellular, may, however, be summarized in its conviction that the base of the process of life is the choice before the instruction. He has received countless awards and international awards and numerous honorary doctorates and is a member of several scientific academies. Interested in scientific research that accounts for the great problems of man and society, Jean-Pierre Changeux has addressed issues such as the relationship between the brain and thought, the link between nature and ethics and between neurobiology and aesthetics .