(Lleida, 1953), a degree in philosophy and letters (Autonomous University of Barcelona, 1975). Working since 1972 Since 1976 teacher at the public school (Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Lluís Millet Public School). From 1982 to 1989 in the CRP / Casal del Mestre Santa Coloma de Gramenet. From 1989 to 1996 in the Federation of Educational Renewal Movements in Catalonia. From 1996 to 2004, back to Public School Lluís Millet. From 2004 to now, in the Public School Fructuós Gelabert Barcelona. Publications: In praise of slow education perspectives on the education we want (with Joan Guerrero) Primary Education: Challenges, dilemmas and proposals (with Susanna Arànega) The organization of space and instructional time (with Jesús Viñas) The Pissarra (collective work ), Ed. Guia Rosa Sensat develop a Projecte Educatiu per Ciutat. Barcelona Council have conducted training activities (training of directors, interim, consulting ...). I have published articles in educational journals (Guix, Classroom, Journal of Education, Viewpoint School, Escola Catalana ...).