John Butt, who has held various positions at the universities of Aberdeen, Cambridge and California, Berkeley, is currently a professor at the University of Glasgow. His academic career has focused mainly on the investigation of the music of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Renowned specialist in Bach, in his role as a musician, as well as organ and key interpreter, is director of the Dunedin Consort. Member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the British Academy, he has received, among other awards, the Dent Medal of the Royal Musical Association and the medal of the Royal College of Organists, as well as the Bach Prize of the Royal Academy of Music / Kohn Foundation. Among his publications include "Bach Interpretation" (1990), "Music Education and the Art of Performance in the German Baroque" (1994), "Playing with History2 (2002) or" Bach's Dialogue with Modernity "(2010) .