He was born in Ribadesella (Asturias) in 1972. He is a mining engineer and holds a degree in English Philology. He is the author of the story books Como una historia de terror (Salto de Página, 2008; Critical Eye Narrative Award), Under the Influence of the Comet (Salto de Página, 2010; Premio Tigre Juan and the Euskadi Literature Prize) and Family Physics (Salto de Página, 2014); as well as the novels The brother of the flies (Salto de Página, 2008), Parents, children and primates (Salto de Página, 2011, Other voices award, Other areas) and Shakespeare and the white whale (Tusquets, 2013). His stories are collected in anthologies such as Siglo XXI. The new names of the current Spanish story (Menoscuarto, 2010), Pequeñas resistencias V (Páginas de Espuma, 2010) and Cuento español actual (1992-2012) (Cátedra, 2014). In Impedimenta he has published his volume of stories Stromboli. He currently resides in Bilbao, where he works as a translator.