Born in Barcelona in 1938 and lives in El Salvador since 1957 He graduated in Philosophy and Masters in Engineering Mechanics (St. Louis University), DD (University of Frankfurt), director of Monsignor Romero and Professor of Theology at the University Central San Salvador.
His publications include Christology from Latin America (1976), The Resurrection of the True Church (1981), Liberation spirit (1985) and Romero (1990). He has been coordinator of Mysterium Ellacuría liberationis. Fundamental Concepts of Liberation Theology (1994) and is author of Faith in Jesus Christ. Test from victims (1999), liberating Jesus Christ. Historical-Theological Reading of Jesus of Nazareth (2001), Earthquake, terrorism, barbarism and Utopia. El Salvador, New York, Afghanistan (2002) and Letters Ellacurfa. 1989-2004 (2004), all published in the same Publisher.