Jonatan García Campos is a Doctor in Philosophy of Science from UNAM. He is currently a full-time research professor at the Institute of Social Sciences of the Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango. Member of the National System of Researchers level I.
His areas of interest are evolution and cognition, contemporary epistemology, theories of reasoning, and the philosophy and history of psychology. He has published three books: Epistemology and Cognitive Psychology. An approach to the study of justification (CEFPSVLT-SEP, 2009), (together with Ricardo Vázquez) New perspectives in contemporary epistemology (Trillas, 2013) and Philosophy of psychology. A historical approach (Colofón, 2018). He has co-edited four books, the last of them is Objectivism, Realism and Psychologism in Philosophy and Sciences (Siglo XXI-Anthropos-UAM, 2017). He has written over thirty chapters and indexed articles in his academic area of interest.