Jordi Agustí is ICREA Research Professor at the Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution ( Universitat Rovira i Virgili ) . As a paleontologist , his research has focused on the evolution of fossil mammal faunas in relation to climatic changes of the last 10 million years . He has led projects in Europe and North Africa and is part of the research team of the site of Dmanisi (Georgia ) , where they have discovered the oldest hominids in Eurasia. In 2002 he received the Award for Scientific Literature Foundation Recercapor Catalanaper to his The secret of Darwin, and a year later the Generalitat de Catalunya awarded the Medal Narcis Monturiol scientific and technological merit . His works include Evolution and Its Metaphors (1994); Mammoths , Sabertooths , and Hominids (2002 ); Fossils, genes and theories (2003 ); Chess Life ( Review , 2010); The Great Migration ( Review , 2011); The first inhabitants of Europe ( 2012) , and together with Enric Bufill and Marina Mosquera , price intelligence ( Review , 2012).