Jorge Herralde is founder and director of Editorial Anagram, whose first publications appeared in April 1969 Over 35 years, in the catalog of Anagram, of over 2,300 titles, can be found many of the most significant contemporary authors in the field narrative and essays, both translations and Spanish language, with increased attention to Latin American writers. Herralde has received several awards for his business, which include: the National Award for Best Editorial Labor in 1994; the Targa d'Argento Award - La Stampa Tuttolibri for the best European publisher in 1999, and the recognition given by the International Book Fair in Guadalajara Editorial Merit in 2002 has published two books related to his publishing career: Mohawk Reviews (The cliff, Barcelona, 2001) and Flashes on writers and other editorial texts (Ediciones del Ermitaño, Mexico, 2003).