Jorge [Francisco Isidoro] Luis Borges [Acevedo] was an Argentine writer. One of his first publications was a Spanish translation of Oscar Wilde's "The Happy Prince" at age 10. In 1921, he founded the magazine Prisma and published in Nosotros. In 1924, he founded the magazine Proa. In addition, he collaborated in the magazine Martín Fierro. He won the second Municipal Poetry Prize of Buenos Aires (1929). In 1931, he collaborated on the first issue of Sur.
He was a professor at the University of Buenos Aires uba and received an honorary doctorate from the University of Cuyo uncuyo, the University of Oxford ou, Columbia University cu and the University of La Sorbonne up4; he won the International Prize for Literature of the International Congress of Literature and the Cervantes Prize in 1979. His literary career spanned 50 years and his work has been translated into more than 25 languages.