Jorge Montanari was born in Buenos Aires in 1976. After graduating in biotechnology, he earned his doctorate with a specialization in basic and applied sciences at the National University of Quilmes. There is a teacher and researcher at the CONICET in the area of nanotechnology applied to medicine. As a musician, Jorge Montanari had its main period of activity in the first half of the 2000s, releasing two albums and toured playing much of Argentina and Brazil with his band of synthpop MHz, finalist of the Biennial of Young Art of Buenos Aires, and samsara, whose album was released in Mexico in 2005. It was also photographer for four years at the Feast @ @ lternativ. It is speaker and active promoter of the international language Esperanto, held scientific conferences in European Esperanto circles and recorded music in that language with the French label Vinilkosmo. Besides the scientific authoring publications, Montanari published his first poem at three years of age in the literary magazine The new letter. At twenty he won first prize in the international competition of narrative of Carlos Gardel organized by the Municipality of Montevideo and El Pais. His work was published in the anthology of the contest by Editions de La Plaza (Uruguay). He is currently a member of the indie collective sports ball Without handle. He identified with his native Villa Devoto, militant apostate and admirer of Bakunin, waste and human is his first novel.