He was born on 07/28/1957. Konex Awards Jury 2004 and 2014. Professor of Literature (UBA). Writer, literary critic and translator. Researcher at CONICET. He was twice awarded the DAAD scholarship, awarded by the Federal Republic of Germany, as a teacher and researcher at the University of Köln. He is a specialist in poetry, particularly Argentinian, and in the theory of the poetic imaginary. He published two hundred critical essays. Since 1991 he has practiced cultural journalism in print media in Buenos Aires and La Plata. He participated as Director or Writing Secretary in academic journals (Boletín de revisas bibliográficas and Zama, of the Institute of Hispano-American Literature, UBA). With María Negroni, he directed the poetry magazine Abyssinia. He published: Angeles de Buenos Aires; The travel story. From Sarmiento to Umberto Eco; Bridges / Bridges. Anthology of Argentine and Brazilian poetry; 200 years of Argentine poetry. He translated Eva Perón, from Copi and works on El nómade, correspondence and critical biography of Rimbaud.
extended biography
Professor of Letters, graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires (December 1981).
current occupations
Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), based at the Institute of Hispano-American Literature, University of Buenos Aires.
Coordinator of the Publications Commission of the Institute of Hispano-American Literature, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UBA
Director, since 1991, of the magazine Boletín de Reseñas Bibliográficas (Institute of Hispano-American Literature, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UBA)
Founder and Director, together with María Negroni, from Abyssinia. Magazine of Poetry and Poetics (edited by Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires)
Cultural journalist in graphic media, radio and television in Buenos Aires (currently as a literary critic in the newspaper La Nación of Buenos Aires, and columnist in the television cultural cycle "La página blanco", of Canal á, broadcast throughout Latin America) .
Scholarships obtained
CONICET scholarship holder (scholarships for initiation, improvement and higher education) between 1983 and 1991.
Scholar of the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), for a research stay at the University of Köln (Federal Republic of Germany) in 1992 and in 1995.
Teaching activity
Invited professor to give various seminars on his specialty at the National Universities of Buenos Aires, Tucumán, Northeast, Comahue, Salta, Rosario, La Plata and the Arbeitskreis Spanien - Portugal - Lateinamerika, Philosophische Fakultät der Universität zu Köln (between 1987 and 1995).
Exhibitions and lectures given
Eighty-five exhibitions and conferences in congresses and university conferences, since 1983, in academic fields.
Angels of Buenos Aires: Photographs by Marcelo Crotti, Buenos Aires, Clisé, 1994.
The travel story. From Sarmiento to Umberto Eco, Buenos Aires, El Ateneo, 1998.
The nomad. Letters from Rimbaud (1854-1891), Buenos Aires, Adriana Hidalgo Editor (in the process of being published).
Publications in magazines, books and the media
Seventy-two essays and articles in academic journals specialized in literature and literary criticism books, published in Argentina, the United States, and Europe, since 1984.
Eighty cultural journalism articles on literature appeared in the main newspapers of Buenos Aires, since 1992 (La Nación, Clarín and Página/12), since 1992.
Books published as editor
Noé Jitrik (Compiler), Atypical in Latin American literature, Buenos Aires, Institute of Hispanic American Literature/CBC, University of Buenos Aires, 1996. Edited by Jorge Monteleone and Sylvia Iparraguirre.
Jorge Monteleone and Sylvia Iparraguirre (Editors), Literary Frontiers in Latin American Literature, Institute of Hispano-American Literature, University of Buenos Aires, 1996.
Jorge Monteleone and Sylvia Iparraguirre (Editors), New territories of Latin American literature, Institute of Hispanic American Literature, University of Buenos Aires, 1997.
Translations by Walter Benjamin, John Ruskin, Stéphane Mallarmé, Vinicius de Moraes, Gustave Flaubert, Roland Barthes, Robert Louis Stevenson, Percy B. Shelley, Paul Valéry, Hugo von Hoffmansthal and Arthur Rimbaud for: Jorge Monteleone, The Travel Story. From Sarmiento to Umberto Eco, Buenos Aires, El Ateneo, 1998.
Translation by Copi, Eva Perón, Buenos Aires, Adriana Hidalgo Editora, 2000.
Translation of Arthur Rimbaud's correspondence, for El nomad. Letters from Rimbaud, Buenos Aires, Adriana Hidalgo (in the process of being published).