Jorge Riechmann (Madrid, 1962), poet, literary translator, essayist and professor of Moral Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Madrid, before taught as a professor at the University of Barcelona; as a guest at the Carlos III University of Madrid, at UNAM (Mexico City) and the Universidad Michoacana de Morelia teacher; and as a visiting professor at the Complutense University of Madrid. His academic work concerns ethics and ecology, "green" political philosophy, social conditions for ecological sustainability and social impacts of science and technology. He graduated in Mathematics (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1986) and studied philosophy (UNED, 1984-1986) and German Literature (Humboldt University of Berlin, 1986-1989). He holds a PhD in Political Science (Autonomous University of Barcelona, 1993), with a thesis on Die Grünen (published in 1994: The German Greens, Comares, Granada). He lived in Berlin, Paris and Barcelona before returning to Madrid in 1996, where he worked until the summer of 2008 as a researcher on eco-social issues in the Institute of Work, Environment and Health (ISTS) CCOO. Was President-and now vice-president of the association CiMA (Science for the Environment). Among his recent publications include volumes Lyrics beyond poetic reflection on the human (Hyperion, 1998), An abode in the air (Libros del Viejo Topo, 2003), Strength of Materials (Montesinos, 2006) and Dancing on a tile (eclipsed, 2008); well as the poems The day I stopped reading COUNTRY (Hyperion, 1997), inscribed Wall (DVD, 2000) Retrace your steps (Hyperion, 2001), one poem happens (Jorge Guillén Foundation, 2003), A close buzz (Pun, 2003), there i want to see (Icaria, 2005), desabrigada Poetry (Idea, 2006), Conversations between alchemists (Tusquets, 2007) and Rengo Wrongo (DVD, 2008). He is the author of thirty trials (alone or in partnership) on issues of political ecology and ecological thinking. In recent years, there has been formulating the ethical aspect of his eco-socialist philosophy into a "pentalogy of self-restraint," which make up the volume a vulnerable world, Biomimicry, People who do not wish to travel to Mars, The room of Pascal and all animals are brothers (all in Books Waterfall). It has been widely translated poets and playwrights like Rene Char as Heiner Müller. Obtained Hyperion Poetry Prize in 1987, the Fair Book Award Madrid-Parque del Buen Retiro in 1993, the National Poetry Prize Villafranca del Bierzo in 1996, Jaén Prize for Poetry in 1997, Gabriel Celaya International Poetry Prize in 2000, Stendhal Translation Prize in 2000 and the City of Merida Poetry Award in 2008 His poetry has been translated into French, English, Italian, German and other languages, and included in numerous anthologies published in Spain and abroad.