José Cobo (Lleida, 1962) has a degree in philosophy from the University of Barcelona. He develops his teaching career at the Colegio de San Ignacio-Sarriá, where he teaches history of philosophy. His intellectual work focuses on the need to recover the epistemological dignity of the Christian tradition without falling into the old fideism and in constant dialogue with, on the one hand, the modern critique of the transcendent, in particular that found in the writings of Nietzsche. , and, on the other hand, with the transconfessional tendencies in force today. His thought is on the one hand heir to the theology of Karl Barth, Jürgen Moltmann and Eberhard Jüngel, as well as the Jewish thought of Franz Rosenzweig, Walter Benjamin and, above all, Emmanuel Lévinas. He writes daily on the blog The Modification. He is a member of Cristianisme i Justícia, where, for a few years, he has been teaching courses on the significance and validity of the Christian faith.
He is the author of God without God (with Javier Melloni, Fragmenta, 2015), Incapaces de Dios. Against the oceanic divinity (Fragmenta, 2019) and The paradoxical reality of God (Fragmenta, 2020).