José Emilio Pacheco (Mexico City, June 30, 1939) is the author of Sooner or later (1958-1978) who meets his first six books of poems: The elements of the night, the rest of the fire, Do not ask me how it happens Eventually, you'll never go, Islands in the Stream and since. Subsequently there have been jobs of sea, land Miro, City of memory, Silence of the moon and Scenarios, written to accompany the drawings of Vicente Rojo; and anthologies is never ever Yesterday, End of the Century and High Treason, and a book of poetic versions approaches. He has published three collections of short stories: The blood of Medusa, Distant Wind and The Pleasure Principle, and two novels: You will die away and Battles in the desert. He has edited numerous anthologies, including Mexican Poetry Anthology 1821-1921 and modernism. His translations include Four Quartets by TS Eliot, A Streetcar Named Desire, Tennessee Williams, De Profundis by Oscar Wilde, How, Samuel Beckett, and Imaginary Lives of Marcel Schwob. His work has been translated into English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian and Japanese. He is a member of the National College of Mexico since 1985 and Distinguished Professor in the Department of Spanish at the University of Maryland, in the United States, where he teaches American literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In 1992 Malcolm Lowry won the lifetime achievement award in the field of literary essay and the next year the National Prize for Literature.