José Luis de la Cruz Gallegos

José Luis de la Cruz Gallegos

He currently holds the position of Director of the Institute for Industrial Development and Economic Growth A.C. He also serves as President of the Economic Studies Commission of CONCAMIN. He is a professor of PhD in Financial Sciences at the EGADE Business School on the Mexico City campus and at the Business School of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, State of Mexico campus.

Between 2010 and 2013 he served as Director of the Economics and Business Research Center and the Department of Economics and Finance at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, State of Mexico campus. He completed his Master's degree in Economics at El Colegio de México and a Doctorate in Administration at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico City campus.

Since 2006 he belongs to the National System of Researchers (SNI) of CONACYT and has carried out research stays at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and at the Lawrence Klein Institute at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

He has been recognized as part of the professors “Who left their mark” (2013) within the framework of the 70th Anniversary of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, as the best research professor (2010) as well as the best professor in the Business Division (2007) of the Tecnológico de Monterrey. Monterrey, State of Mexico campus.

He has worked in the private, academic and public sectors, in the latter as Deputy Director of Macroeconomic Analysis and Deputy Director of Financial Studies at the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. He has been an advisor in the Chamber of Deputies and the Chamber of Senators, a consultant for companies in the industrial and service sectors, and for various foundations and non-governmental organizations such as the Friederich Ebert Foundation and Oxfam.

He has published more than thirty peer-reviewed scientific articles in journals from Mexico, the United States, Brazil, Spain and Colombia. Likewise, he prepares analysis and opinion articles in specialized Economics and Finance magazines.

His most recent book is Mexico: social crisis of an economic model and he participated in the coordination of the book A XV years of the Free Trade Agreement. His most recent contributions as an author of book chapters are:

Consolidation of the internal market: the path to development, in Mexico 2012: The responsibility for the future.
The development of the internal market, a national project, in Markets and insertion of Mexico in the World.
Industrialization and the chain in metalworking: a way for economic growth and development, In Mexico in the face of the third industrial revolution, how to relaunch Mexico's industrial project in the 21st century.
He has been a speaker at more than 80 scientific, academic and business conferences in Mexico, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Spain and Peru on topics related to both the economic growth and social development of Mexico and its commercial and financial link with the United States. China and Canada.

He belongs to and has collaborated on various boards and associations, such as:

The Quality of Life Council of Mexico City (2013 – )
The Technical Advisory Council of the Center for Economic Studies of the Private Sector (2011- )
The Institute for Industrial Development of Mexico, A.C (2012 – )
The World Econometric Society (2004 – )
Senior Member of the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development (2008-2010)
The Committee of Experts of the National Crusade against Hunger, Secretariat of Social Development (2013 – )
The Editorial Board of CNN Expansión (2010-2011)
The Economic and Social Council of Mexico City and its Technical Committee (2010 – )
Dr. De La Cruz participates daily in the most relevant media in the country, reaching more than a thousand impacts per year. He has a weekly column in El Sol de México.