Born in 1924. diocesan priest since 1947. Operator. Doctor in theology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca. Reporter. Academician of the Royal Good Letters of Seville. Director of the 'Last questions "of TVE (1986-1990), and" Witnesses today "program on Canal Sur TV.
Works: Paul VI, 1963; Merry del Val, 1965; A man asks God, 1968; Loneliness of the sick, 1973; Teresa of Jesus, 1978; John Paul I John Paul II, 1980; Pius X, 1984; Report to Mosén Sun, 1987; Don Marcelo de Sevilla, 1992; Juan de la Cruz, a borderline case, 1994; Juan de Dios, Granada crazy in 1996; Juan XXIII. Today's Challenge, 2000; I seek Jesus of Nazareth, 2002; Isabel la Catolica. The enigma of a queen, 2004.