My main occupation revolves around my work as a counselor in Secondary School located in the town of Coslada (Madrid). It is a secondary school that in recent years has made a great effort to meet the educational needs that we have been considering the entire student body. I consider myself a facilitator of teamwork whose objectives improved climate of cooperation and attention to the educational needs of all students. I started from this direct and daily experience to write my latest book: "Sustainable Schools in living"; in it I reflect on what I consider the key to a school address the coexistence from a democratic and inclusive approach. This is not my only publication on issues related to coexistence; in recent years I've written about bullying, democratic management standards and peer support, conflict resolution and intercultural education. My job as a trainer of teachers over the past twenty years and my reflection group membership and training as the Mediation Team of the University of Alcalá de Henares or Collective Amani has been for me a source of inspiration, wealth and invaluable learning