Juan José Martínez Olguín was born in Buenos Aires on March 7, 1987. He holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Paris VIII and a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires. He currently works as a researcher at the IDAES School of the National University of San Martín, where he is a member of the research team "The Regimes of Politics", and as a professor at the UBA. His works address the relationship between politics and writing, a subject on which he has published three books: Politique de l'écriture (L'Harmattan), Logocentrism and political philosophy (Teseo) and The blinking of politics. Essay on Gesture and Writing (Miño and Dávila). That relationship, in recent years, has also begun to be questioned based on its concern for democracy and pluralism. He frequently collaborates, writing articles and essays on political intervention and current affairs, in La Vanguardia Digital.