(Buenos Aires, 1982)
Degree and PhD in Philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires. He is currently a CONICET postdoctoral fellow based at the Center for Intellectual History of the UNQ. He serves as Head of Practical Work of Ethics in the Department of Philosophy of the FFyL-UBA. He is the researcher responsible for the PICT 2017-2546. He has been a doctoral fellow of CONICET, and Academic Secretary of the Department of Philosophy (FFyL-UBA) in 2015-2018. He is the author of book chapters, and articles in national and international journals, on the philosophies of Gilbert Simondon, Jakob von Uexküll and Gilles Deleuze.
His line of research focuses on the analysis of different manifestations of twentieth-century philosophy from a historical-intellectual approach of an archaeological nature.