Juana Karen Peñate Montejo. I was born in Emiliano Zapata, in the town of Tumbalá, Chiapas. They say that I belong to my procreative September 13, 1979, the writings say that I am of November 13, 1977, but that does not matter much, I have gone through life looking meet. I went translator Ch'ol language laws in the State Language Centre Indigenous Art and Literature (CELALI) in 2000, I carried out teaching bilingual education, two years after I was coordinator of cultural projects of the Town Hall in my town, and in 2004 I joined the House of Culture of the town where I currently do my job of cultural manager and developer. I was host of TV (Channel 10) The voices ever, was professor at the Intercultural University of Chiapas Yajalón headquarters. I began my literary work published poems in the magazine Our Wisdom; I got the third prize tale "And Bolom says," I got the poetry prize o'tan Pat, and I am co-author of Word conjured and author of My Name is no longer silent. In my training I have received creative writing courses and have completed the law degree.