Doctor of Education Sciences at the Complutense University and Sociology from the University of Paris VIII-Vincennes. He is currently Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology VI of the Faculty of Information Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid. He has taught and lectured at numerous Spanish and foreign universities. He is the author of several books among which are the following:
Modes of education in Spain of the Counter (1984), master's Apprentice (1984) (in collaboration with Felix Ortega), Networks of psychology (1986), fragile Subjects (1989), Archaeology of the school (1991) and sociological galaxy. Invisible colleges and power relations in the institutionalization of sociology in Spain (2000) (in collaboration with Fernando Alvarez-Uria), Birth of the bourgeois woman (1997) (translated into French in L'Harmattan, Paris, 2000) , Sociology and information (2002), A Ulfe. Socioloxía of Galician rural comunidade unha (2004), and sociology of art materials (2008) (in collaboration with Fernando Alvarez-Uria)