Kate Moore. Northhampton (UK), 1980. She studied English Literature at the University of Warwick and currently lives in London. She occasionally publishes in outlets such as the Sunday Times, where she writes about different genres - biography, history, humor - although she is also a book editor. Before becoming a freelance author and editor, she was managing editor at Penguin Random House UK. Moore is also an actress and theater director, and she was a member of the National Student Theater Company, where she was acclaimed for co-designing and acting in Insomnia, "the best dance ever seen in a student company" according to the Sunday Times. Moore first discovered the story of "radio girls" while directing in London a critically acclaimed play, These Shining Lives, by Melanie Marnich, which dramatized the experiences of Ottawa clock face painters. While she was conducting research for the play, she realized that there was no book that focused on the experience of those women and told her stories in her own words. Moore felt they deserved such a book and she got down to business. The investigation took him all over the United States: New Jersey, New York, Washington DC, Chicago, Illinois… Following in the footsteps of the protagonists of this gripping story, Moore met their families, visited their homes and graves, Grossman's office and sphere painting studies.