Lee Alan Dugatkin United States, 1962
He studied biology at New York University, where he earned his doctorate in 1991 you received the "Young Scientist" award by the International Ethological Committee in 1991 and 1993 and the medal "Young Investigator" of the Society of North American Naturalist , among other distinctions. His main area of research is the evolution of social behavior. Currently studying the evolution of cooperation and aggression, and the interaction between genetic evolution and cultural evolution. Dugatkin has written over 125 articles on evolution and behavior in journals such as Nature, The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and The Proceedings of The Royal Society of London. He has lectured at many major universities: Harvard, Oxford, Cornell, and Cambridge Chigaco, among others. Currently, Lee Alan Dugatkin is professor and Distinguished Scholar in the Department of Biology at the University of Louisville.