Lola Ancira. Querétaro, 1987. She has published essays, short stories and literary reviews in various electronic and printed media. She is the author of Tusitala de óbitos (Editorial Pictographia, 2013), El vals de los monos (FETA / Fondo Editorial de Querétaro, 2018; Fondo Blanco, 2020) and Tristes sombra (Lost Paradise, 2021). She was a fellow of the Foundation for Mexican Letters and the Fonca's Young Creators program. Her work has been anthologized, among other books, in CuatroCuatroDos: Narradorxs Queretanxs (Palíndroma, 2020), and Mexicanas. She thirteen contemporary narratives (Fondo Blanco, 2021). She coordinated, together with Miguel Lupián, the fantastic short story anthology Cabinet of extraordinary stories (Universe of books, 2019). She was selected by the Guadalajara International Book Fair 2019 as one of the eight Mexican talents for its literary program ¡Al ruedo!