Lorenzo Vinciguerra (1964), of Italian and French citizenship, comes from a family of painters (French side) and lawyers (Italian side). He grew up and trained in Italy where he studied painting and philosophy. Alumni of the Brera School of Fine Arts in Milan (where he was a student of the artist Vincenzo Ferrari) and of the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, he is graduate of the University of Milan (where he was a student of Carlo Sini). Boarder at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, he is agrégé in philosophy and Doctor of philosophy from the Sorbonne. He taught at the universities of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Grenoble and Reims. Currently he is a professor at the University of Amiens (France), where he directs the Research Center for Arts and Aesthetics (CRAE EA 4291). He has been invited to teach and lecture at universities in different countries in Europe and elsewhere (Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Israel). Since 2007 at the EHESS in Paris, he has been leading the seminar Anthropologie générale et philosophie with François Flahault and François Dingremont. His work has focused on the philosophy of the classical age (Spinoza and Spinozism in particular), philosophical anthropology and philosophy of art.