Manuel Peinado (Granada, 1953) has a degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Granada, doctor in Biology from the Complutense University of Madrid and university professor. He is professor of the Department of Life Sciences, director of the Department of Environment and researcher Franklin Research Institute in American Studies at the University of Alcalá. He has taught at the universities of Granada, Complutense of Madrid and Alcala de Henares. He has also been a professor or visiting scholar at several American universities. He was mayor of Alcalá de Henares with the PSOE (1999-2003). He has published a dozen books and hundreds of articles in his field, plant ecology. He is a regular columnist in the press and maintains the blog about this and that (www.manuelpeinado.com). He has recently published two books on the fracking: Drill, boy, drill fossil fuels Can usher in a new era of energy abundance? (2013) and Fracking, the specter that hovers Europe (2014).