Margarita Aguilar Urbán is an art researcher, poet and literature teacher. He wrote the poetry collections Como estación de tren (1988), Cotton in the heart (children's poetry, 2012) and Testudina discovers the horizon (2021). She has been included in the volumes Voces de tierra (1994), Campos ignotos (1998) and Taller Literario Pablo Ochoa (2009). As a researcher, she writes articles for academic journals. He compiled the memoirs of the Tarahumara artist Erasmo Palma in the book Donde cantan los pájaros chuyacos (1992, re-edition 2015, translation into Rarámuri 2018). His work Aurora Reyes. Alma de montaña, published by the Chihuahuan Institute of Culture, was considered the best book of 2011 by the Día siete supplement of El Universal and by the literary criticism page Salón de Letras.