I am María Luque, graphic designer and independent illustrator, based in Barcelona.
I have a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona, with the specialty of Graphic Design. I have completed my training with a postgraduate in Web and Multimedia Design at the IDEP School in Barcelona and several typographic specialization courses.
After my experience in various communication agencies in Barcelona, in 2007 I decided to form my own studio. Since then I have worked for clients such as the Col·legi d'Enginyers Tècnics Industrials de Barcelona, The Consell de Col·legis Farmacèutics de Catalunya, La Vanguardia, the Junta de Andalucía and other individual professionals at the local level.
My work combines a conceptual approach, the desire for maximum creative performance and a sensitivity to trends under an artistic vocation.
In addition, a stable network of collaborators guarantees to solve any project successfully.