Mario Campaña was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, in 1959. Since 1992 he lives in Barcelona.
He has published four books of poetry: Cuadernos de Godric (National Poetry Prize of Ecuador, 1988), Long days (1996), Long days and other poems (2002) and The forgetfulness of poetry is paid (2002).
He is the author of the literary biographies Francisco de Quevedo, el hechizo del mundo, (2003) and Baudelaire. Game without triumphs (2006).
He is a translator of: Tomb for Anatole, by Stéphan Mallarmé.
He has directed the anthologies: Ecuadorian Modernist Poetry (1999), Thus on Earth as in Dreams (1991), Visions of the Real in Hispano-American Poetry (DVD, 2001), Words are missing in Chagall's Dream. Anthology of contemporary Spanish American poets (2007).
He directs the Latin American culture magazine Guaraguao.