Mario Sartor (Padova, Italy, 1946), graduated in History of Art in 1972, in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Padua and obtained the PhD in History of Art in the same Faculty, in 1975; in both cases, with the qualification of "summa cum laude". From his thesis, he devoted himself to the subject of Latin American colonial art and then, as an independent researcher and university professor, to the art of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Latin America. He is the author of more than one hundred scientific works, including articles, essays and volumes, published in magazines or with publishers of international level, most of them dedicated to Latin American art and culture. Professor of History of Latin American Art at the University of Udine (Italy), is also president of the "Centro Internazionale Alti Studi Latinoamericani" (CIASLA), based in the same University, and director of the scientific journal "Studi Latinoamericani / Estudios Latinoamericanos" . He has taught Latin American art in the Doctorate of History of Latin American Art of the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville in the biennial cycles of 2002-2004 and 2004-2006, 2006-2008. He has a long research experience both in the Spanish Archives (Archivo de Indias, Sevilla, Archivo de Simancas, Archivo Histórico Militar, Madrid), and in Latin American archives and libraries (Biblioteca de la Nación, Mexico, Instituto Payró and Fundación Espigas, Buenos Aires). Invited as "Distiguished Scholar" during the 1993-94 academic year at the Getty Institution (now Getty Institute) of Santa Monica (California), he also obtained a research grant in 1996 at the same Getty. DAAD fellow in 1997, he researched at the Iberoamerikanisches Institut in Berlin.