Marta López Luaces (A Coruña, Spain, 1964) obtained her PhD in Philosophy in 1999 from New York University. Since 1998 he teaches Spanish and Latin American literature in Montclair SU. As an essayist, her critical work has been embodied in titles such as: This strange territory: The representation of childhood in three women writers who later, translated into English, was published by Juan de la Cuesta Monographic Review (2005) and La poesía y sus Masks (2008) published by Hofstra University in New York.
He also stands out as a poet with the following books: Distance and Exile (1998), The Languages of the Traveler (Madrid, Huerga & Fierro, 2005) and the plaque Memories of a Void (New York, Pen Press, 2002). His poetry has been published in anthologies of Spain, Latin America, the United States, Italy and Romania; and in English, in specialized magazines. A selection of his poetry was translated into Italian and published under the title Magical Accent (2002) and another anthology, translated into Romanian, was published under the title Pravalirea focului (2007). The Canadian poet of Mexican origin, Flavia García, translated her book The Languages of the Traveler into French.
He has translated Spanish poets into English for journals: Terra Incognita, Hofstra Hispanic Review and Tamame and as a translator into Spanish he has collaborated in magazines in Latin America and Spain with poems by Louise Glück, Robert Duncan, Leonard Swartz, Ann Lauterbach, among others.
He has just seen the light of his book of stories La Virgen de la Noche (Madrid, Sial, 2009). She is co-editor of Galerna: International Journal of Literature. The city of New York awarded her with the distinction of Speaker for the Humanities of New York City (2003-2005).