He holds a doctorate in theology from the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and professor at the Institut Catholique de Paris. He studied theology at Fribourg in Madrid and Cambridge (UK). Subsequently, he was a research associate at the Von Hügel Institute, University of Cambridge, Professor of Ethics and Theology at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City, professor at ITAM (Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico) and professor at the University of Freiburg and as visiting professor at the IQS - Ramon Llull University (Barcelona) and the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore (Milan). This study of the moral category of structural sin was the subject of his doctoral thesis, defended in 2003.
His publications have come in recent years both theological ethics as political and economic ethics, specifically in his studies of the capabilities of Amartya Sen, which points to a Christian appropriation of this approach, which makes freedom so far development.
He is co-author of Transforming Unjust Structures. The Capability Approach (2006) and author of numerous articles in professional journals.