Mercedes Abad was born in Barcelona in 1961. After some skirmishes with the world of cinema and theater, in 1986 she won the erotic narrative prize The Vertical Smile, with her book of short stories Sabbatic debaucheries. Since then he has published several books of stories: Conicidades Conyugales (1989), Blowing the Wind (1995), Amigos y fantasmas (2004, Mario Vargas Llosa Prize) and Half a dozen robberies and a couple of lies (2009). He has also published two novels, Sangre (2000) and El vecino de abajo (2007), and a playful and humorous essay, Just tell me where we do it (1991). She is also the author of several plays and various adaptations, including XXX, The Philosophy in the Toilet (Marqués de Sade), Fura dels Baus, and Christopher Hampton's The Dangerous Friendships. His work has been translated into Italian, German, Dutch, Portuguese and Finnish and has been included in numerous anthologies. Currently teaches narrative classes at the Escola d'Escriptura del Ateneu in Barcelona