Michel Maffesoli, born in France in 1944, has integrated the popular influence of the dynamics of their hometown with the spiritual heritage of both Bachelard and Bergson. His thinking has been influenced by German philosophy particularly that of Nietzsche, Heidegger, Marx and Simmel, and more cyclical was associated in their university education to the situationists and anarchists of the sixties. Holder at the Sorbonne in Durkheim Chair since 1981, founded with Georges Balandier at the University of Paris V, René Descartes, the Center for Studies on the Actual and Daily (CEAQ). Through a reflection on the empirical dimension of everyday life, the author has dealt with issues as mundane-but no less influential, as the "Reason sensitive", the "ordinary knowledge", the orgiastic life, the "Eternal Moment "the" nomadism ", the dynamics of the Tribes, the" ethics of aesthetics ", the" Logic of Domination, "sociology of Evil