Doctor in Law from the University of Pavia (1965), where exercised since 1976 teaching and research in Civil Procedure, Comparative Law and Litigation General Litigation. He has been visiting professor at Cornell Law School (1994-1996) and the Hastings College of the Law University of California (2003) as well as a lecturer at various universities. He is a member of the International Association of Procedural Law, the Bielefelder Kreis and the American Law Institute, among others.
Among his most important works include: Studi sulla rilevanza della prova (1970); The motivazione della sentenza civile (1975), presented here; Il processo civile 'adversary' American nell'esperienza (1979); The giustizia Civile in Italia dal 'oggi 700 (1980); Il vertex ambiguous. Saggi sulla Cassation civile (1991); Sui confini. Scritti sulla giustizia civile (2002); The verità semplice. Il giudice e la costruzione of fatto (2009), and the proof of facts (32009), published in the same Publisher.