Arabist and philologist. An expert in historical philosophy, he found certain similarities and links between Eastern and Western culture. In 1895 he was ordained a priest. A student at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Zaragoza, where he obtained his doctorate in 1896, he was a disciple of Ribera Tarragó. In 1903 he won the Chair of Arabic Language in Madrid. He was a member of the Academies of Moral Sciences, History and the Spanish Language. In 1933, he was directed by al-Andalus magazine in which he published numerous works. In 1939 he was appointed vice-president of the Higher Council for Scientific Research, whose Institute of Arab Studies bears his name. From his copious work we will mention Contribution to the Arab toponymy of Spain (1940), Muslim eschatology in "La Divina Comedia" (speech read at the reception event of the Royal Spanish Academy, 1919), Dante and Islam (1927), Christian Islam (1931) and Huellas del lslam. Saint Thomas Aquinas, Turmeda, Pascal, Saint John of the Cross (1941).