Miguel Lorente Acosta , Doctor of Medicine and Surgery , is medical examiner since 1988 , associate professor of Forensic Medicine at the University of Granada and director of the Institute of Legal Medicine of that city teacher. Given its experience and extensive training Lorente has been a pioneer in the study of aggression women from a scientific point of view , regarding it as a syndrome and not as a series of isolated cases. From this perspective has held jobs like syndrome Assault on Women , awarded by the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery in Granada , or Assault on Women : Abuse, rape and harassment, revolutionary work for its medical- legal, legal , police and health topic . This facet , culminating in the book My husband beats me normal ( Review , 2001) , which has sold more than 7,000 copies , is combined with another line of work based on human identification through study and analysis of DNA, which has led to Lorente studying the remains of historical figures like Blanche of Navarre, the prince of Vienna or the playwright Luigi Pirandello .