Miqui Otero (Barcelona, 1980) debuted in 2010 with the acclaimed novel Music Thread (Alpha Decay), New Talent Award FNAC, and two years later came the time capsule (Blackie Books), which after being chosen book of the year in Rockdelux and Enter the list of top ten headers as ABC, in its third edition has sold more than 10,000 copies. He collaborates regularly in media such as El País y Cultura / s La Vanguardia, and is a professor of journalism and literature at the UAB. She has also participated in collective rehearsal books such as Una Risa Nueva (Nausicaa) and Ct or the culture of transition (Mondadori), among others, and in narrative anthologies such as Last season (Drape Language), which encompasses the new generation Of Spanish authors. With Rayos (Blackie Books, 2016), his most intimate but also the most ambitious novel, he consolidated as one of the most outstanding and imaginative voices in the Spanish literary scene.