Nancy Fraser

Nancy Fraser

Nancy Fraser is Professor of Philosophy and Politics "Henry A. and Louise Loeb "at the New School for Social Research. She is author (with Axel Honneth) of Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange (Redistribution or Recognition? A political-philosophical discussion, Madrid, Morata 2006), Justice Interruptus: Critical Reflections on the Postsocialist Condition (Iustitia Interrupt: Critical Reflections on the position "postsocialist" Santa Fe de Bogota, University of the Andes, 1997), Unruly Practices: Power, discourse, and Gender in Contemporary social theory (rebels Practices: Power, discourse and gender in contemporary social theory). His next book is Adding Insult to Injury: Debating Redistribution, Recognition and Representation (In addition to injuries, insults: Debate on Redistribution, Recognition and representation).