Nancy Fraser is Professor of Philosophy and Politics "Henry A. and Louise Loeb "at the New School for Social Research. She is author (with Axel Honneth) of Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange (Redistribution or Recognition? A political-philosophical discussion, Madrid, Morata 2006), Justice Interruptus: Critical Reflections on the Postsocialist Condition (Iustitia Interrupt: Critical Reflections on the position "postsocialist" Santa Fe de Bogota, University of the Andes, 1997), Unruly Practices: Power, discourse, and Gender in Contemporary social theory (rebels Practices: Power, discourse and gender in contemporary social theory). His next book is Adding Insult to Injury: Debating Redistribution, Recognition and Representation (In addition to injuries, insults: Debate on Redistribution, Recognition and representation).