Oriol Ponsatí-Murlà (Figueres, 1978) He is a doctor of philosophy from the University of Girona and a professor of ancient philosophy at the same university. In 2011 he founded Edicions de la Ela Geminada, where he has edited titles of both literature and thought. He was curator of the Bertrana Year (2017) and is currently director of the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes.
He is the author of Totes les estacions de França (2014), which earned him the Just Manuel Casero short novel award (2013) and the Setè Cel de Salt award (2015), as well as multiple studies on philosophical works (Aristóteles, Agustín de Hipona, Plotino, Bruno or Pascal), and has collaborated in the media. In his facet of rhapsody and musician, he is known for his marathon performances such as the complete and followed reading of Homer's Odyssey or the solo performance of the piano work Vexations by Erik Satie.
In Fragmenta he has published La avaricia (2019), in the series «Deadly Sins».