He was born in Tampico, Tamaulipas, on January 19, 1945. Narrator and essayist. He studied Spanish Literature at the Unam Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, and Hispanic Language and Literature at uam-i. He has been coordinator of literary workshops at the National Polytechnic Institute, the inba, the buap, at the Border Cultural Program and the National Coordination of Regional Cultural Development of the conaculta; secretary of writing of Cuadernos de Comunicación; deputy director of Por Esto !; member of the editorial board of Cultural Dialogue between the Borders of Mexico; editor-in-chief of Ventana Interior. Collaborator of To Whom It May Concern, Moving Target, Change, Caryatids, Communication Notebooks, The Penny, The Tale, The Day, The Financial, The Illustrated Rooster, The Common Place, The Newspaper of Mexico, The Sun of Mexico, El Universal , Plural, Punto, Reforma, Magazine of the Autonomous University of Puebla, Magazine of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas, Magazine of the University of Mexico, Siempre !, Workshops, and Tierra Adentro. Martín Luis Guzmán Scholarship Award, for In case of doubt. Chopo Intimate Texts Award 1983 for Debt of Honor.