Óscar Fábrega (Almería, 1976). Andalusian, graduate in Humanities, lover of philosophy and anthropology, critic and skeptic by definition. He hosts, together with Raquel Berenguel, the radio program Tempus Fugit, on Candil Radio (Huércal de Almería), a reference in the world of historical dissemination, and is part of the team of the podcast Días Extraños, directed by Santiago Camacho. He regularly publishes in the magazines El Ojo Crítico, Más Allá, Muy Historia and Clío Historia. He has focused professionally on the historical study of religions, with works such as Prohibido excavar en este pueblo, Compendium Rhedae: 100 años de Rennes-le-Château (together with Xavi Bonet and Enric Sabarich), Pongamos que hablo de Jesús, ¿son reales? Relics of Christ, The Magdalene: Truths and Lies, and God is Back: Mormons, Rastafarians, Ancient Aliens, and Spaghetti and Meatballs. Two installments of Homo Insolitus and Apropos of Poe have also been published.