Born in 1937, studied Hebrew, history of religion and theology at the Universities of Zurich, Rome (Angelicum) and Fribourg (Switzerland). He studied biblical science and Egyptology at the École Biblique in Jerusalem and postdoctoral studies at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Doctor in Theology from the University of Freiburg, majored in biblical exegesis and iconography of the ancient Near East. It was until his retirement in 2002 Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Studies at the same university. He is founder and editor since 1973 of the "Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis' series. For his scientific work has received the 2005 Marcel Benoist prize. He has authored more than 130 publications (books, articles and monographs), among the most recent: Creation. Bible in the context of the religions of the Ancient Near East (with Silvia Schroer, 2002), Canaan, Israel and Christian theologies. Defense vertical ecúmene (2002) and Eve: Mother of the living. Female idols and goddesses of the Ancient Orient (with Silvia Schroer, 2004).