Pablo Alabarces (Buenos Aires, 1961) has a Bachelor of Arts (University of Buenos Aires), a Master's in Sociology of Culture (National University of San Martín) and a PhD in Sociology (University of Brighton). He is Professor of Popular Culture at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, where he directed his Doctorate between 2004 and 2010, and Senior Researcher at CONICET. His research includes studies on popular music, popular cultures and football cultures. He is considered one of the founders of the sociology of Latin American sports and one of the greatest specialists in violence and sports. He has published fourteen books: among them, Fútbol y Patria (2002), Resistencias y mediaciones. Studies on popular culture (2008), Peronists, populists and plebeians (2010) and the last one, Minimum History of Soccer in Latin America, published in 2018 by El Colegio de México. His book Héroes, machos y patriotas, from 2014, won the Second National Prize for Sociological Essay in Argentina (2019).