Patricia Funes

Patricia Funes

Patricia Funes. Doctor in History. CONICET researcher. Professor of the subject Latin American Social History (FSOC/UBA). She is and has been a postgraduate professor at various universities in the country and abroad. Her research and publications refer to the field of political and cultural ideas in Latin America in the 20th century. She currently works on the forms of censorship on the Latin American cultural field by the dictatorships of the Armed Forces. Among her latest publications: Ansaldi, Waldo, Funes, Patricia, Villavicencio, Susana (comps.), Bicentennial: other stories, Del Puerto, Buenos Aires, 2010; Funes Patricia: "The historian, the Archive and the Witness" in: Cernadas, J. and Lvovich, D., History, for what? Revisits to an old question, Buenos Aires, Prometeo/Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, 2010. “Engineers of the soul. The reports of the Intelligence Services of the Argentine military dictatorship on Latin America: popular song, essay and social sciences”, Varia Historia, Vol. 23, Nº 38, 2007.