Patricia Cecilia Galletti is a specialist in Roma studies from critical colonial approaches.
Her work focuses on the analysis of the historical formations of alterity in relation to the processes of gypsy ethnicity in the Hispanic-American sphere. She has worked ethnographically in Spain and Argentina, investigating the link between Roma recognition policies and the situation of persistent inequality in access to education, housing and employment. She works as a postdoctoral researcher at CONICET (CESIA, IDAES, UNSAM). She is an undergraduate and graduate professor at UNSAM and coordinator of the Gypsy Studies Circle at IDAES. She has published various chapters and articles in scientific journals.
National and international. She was previously a doctoral fellow in the Erasmus Mundus program at the University of Valladolid (Spain) and a CONICET doctoral fellow. She has a PhD in Social Anthropology from the National University of San Martín.